
You can charge your clients manually or with any other means without using our system, however, PhysiciansHR allows you to charge your clients using our online payments platform. In order to have this ability, you need to setup an account with Stripe, or connect an existing one if you already have an account.

To connect PhysiciansHR with stripe, follow these steps:

Clinic Connect Stripe Account Gif

  • Go to PhysiciansHR
  • Sign in with your account details.
  • In the menu on the left side, click on “Payment Settings”
  • Under “Accept Clients Payments Online” section, click the button “Connect with Stripe”.
  • Clicking this button takes you to Stripe’s registration or account connection forms.
  • Continue sign up at Stripe, or select to connect an existing account if you already have one.
  • When your done, your clinic will be already linked with your Stripe account and you will be taken to the main clinic website.
  • In the menu on the left side, click on “Payment Settings” so you review your Stripe connected account.

Once you have your connected account setup, there are multiple options you can change:

Clinic Payment Settings

  • You can activate or deactivate “Accept Clients Payments Online” to enable or disable accepting payments from your clients.
  • You can use the activate or deactivate option “New clients pay online,” which defines whether your new clients will be asked to pay online for your services or if they will be paying you directly without using our online payment services.
  • You can define the default survey price by going to “Survey Report Price” section and clicking the “Set your fee” button. There, you can determine the default price you charge your clients for survey processing. You will have an overview of the fees that PhysiciansHR and Stripe requires and view the final amount that your clinic will be receiving.

Clinic Setting Survey Payment Details Gif

  • Notice that the survey report price that you set here is still customizable for each report that you create and you can change it for special cases when needed, without having to change the default price.

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